Client & Colleague Testimonials
"You taught me to see and think with clarity, sweep past the distractions and get to the root of my problems quickly. I hardly recognize myself anymore but I’ve definitely changed for the better!"
“I never realized how my relationship and life decisions were being dictated by the trauma I experienced as a child. As a successful adult who had been “in therapy” for decades before I met you, I thought my work was done, and that my fate was sealed. In a short time, with your tender and tough guidance, I was finally able to access buried feelings and do the real work to set myself free. I’m no longer a slave to my past, or to self-sabotage.
"I can now live my life like a free man.
My only regret is that I did not do this work with you thirty years ago."
“You are uniquely talented in your way of seeing and reaching people. You quickly get to the core of the psychological difficulties that most others can’t. I feel grateful to have you nearby to refer my important, often challenging clients to.”
"I waited too many years to find a therapist who wouldn’t coddle me…who would be direct with me, someone who would call me out on my stuff and not allow me to hide or deny. You taught me how to see myself for who I am, decide who I want to be, and become a new person."
"You showed me how to feel and deal…to be a man and not a bully. To clearly say what I want without threatening, manipulating, equivocating or unnecessarily justifying. To stand up for myself with pride as my father never could do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"Our work together changed my life. I never thought,
in my wildest dreams,
my life could be this good and free."
“You expertly and cleverly help people access emotions most of can’t or won’t . Your courage and talent never cease to amaze me. It’s a blessing to teach with you, to learn from you, and to share cases with you.”
"Thank you for your help. I never realized how out of touch I was with my feelings until I saw you for therapy. After all of the other therapy I had, I would have assumed I was a man in touch with his feelings. Being in therapy with you at the wheel was like being invited (forced) to get on the field and play instead of being allowed to continue to sit in the bleachers and watch the game of life pass me by. I cannot thank you enough for insisting I take myself seriously."
"Even though I ended the relationship I was in when I entered therapy, I am happier than I’ve ever been. I gained a relationship with myself. I could never have done so without your help and strength."
“Your application of our work on attachment to uncover and heal trauma is beautiful and brilliant. ”
"Our sessions have been a huge help to me in my life. I can see myself getting clearer in my thinking, clearer about my true feelings and stronger in my dealings with other people."
"You taught me how to love. I thank you, my wife thanks you, my children thank you. "
"Because of our therapy, I am no longer a slave in my own life, marriage and family…
I am no longer a machine whose only function is to make other people happy."
"Thank you for teaching me how to dance on my own airplane. I am finally able to enjoy my life and the fruits of my labor and not simply go through the motions of enjoying it. I am grateful."
"You got through to me. I thank you for that. You showed me that I no longer have to be someone's servant to belong. My whole life I was a slave to the illusion of power. I worked to please my mother then I worked to impress women. I took pride only in being a money making machine, not a man. Now, I see that a life without feelings (all of them) is a life wasted. I am grateful for you."